Sunday, April 22, 2012

Detox/Bikini Bootcamp

Since I started running more miles I cut back on my working out. My  reasoning was because I was running burning tons of calories...however it kinda backfired.  I lost the body I had when we went to Mexico, and I've gained a couple of pounds. 

So yesterday while talking to Jo about it we decided to start a detox bikini boot camp.  Our routine will start on Monday with a 5:30am legs, core, and arms at the gym.  Tuesday we will do an interval run, Wednesday back to the gym, Thursday our long run 8-10, Friday gym, Saturday's will be our days off, Sunday's will be our mid run from 3-5 miles.  I am also going to start doing Jillian's workouts again either every day or just on the days we run, I haven't decided.

With the detox we will cut out sugar, and I believe dairy.  Eating just meat, fruits and veggies.  I am scared  about cutting out the sugar...I CRAVE sugar, but who doesn't like a good challenge?

I will post weekly pictures on Sunday!   

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