Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life is what life is

Life is busy, with 2 little ones, summer, the pool, family time, life is just busy. The kids and I spend the majority of our day outside. I hate being inside and plus they play hard and sleep hard!! This momma likes that!!

We are planning my sister's baby shower for the end of June, which I am super stoked about!! We are also planning family vacations. Making plans for our GM retreat that will be coming up in January. My wonderful Mother in law is going to come watch the kids

I honestly think I'm kinda done with the computer or the internet I should say. Or is it just a few people. People who think that they are better than everyone else. Trying to one up you. Or make it feel like they are one upping you. I debate almost daily whether or not to log off Facebook and never log back on. However it keeps me up to date with my close friends and my family that isn't here.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I hate it when no one in the house feels good.

Wiping noses, cranky kids, writing down the times they took Tylenol, the times they took Motrin, when they took their antibiotics, no one sleeping

I do love the cuddles, and the laying on the couch and doing absolutely nothing. However there is so much house work, and it piles up. I wish I had a maid that could come in and clean....

The hardest thing for a mother is seeing her kids in pain. Lacey has an ear infection and cries because they hurt so bad. HURRY UP ANTIBIOTICS KICK IN!!

Miles is so sick and it breaks my heart nothing I do makes him feel better. He has this horrible cough....We took him to the Dr. on Tuesday because he had a fever and a cough that was horrible. The Dr. said it was probably a late cold. I believed the Dr. because he knows more than I do. Well after 5 days of a fever a cough that hadn't gotten better. I took him to Urgent Care where the Dr. there listened to him breathe and decided that he has Pneumonia. She made him do a breathing treatment, ordered lab work, ordered a Chest X-Ray and then took some snot to check for RSV. I have never in my life witnessed something so sad. I honestly wish I could take the pain away from him and make it my own. He was a trooper and didn't cry at all while getting his blood drawn, however during the X-Ray we weren't so lucky. The contraption they put the kids in is crazy. Their feet dangle, their hands are above their heads, they strap them in. It looks so uncomfortable. Miles screamed bloody murder, but the X-Ray tech said they want them to cry so they can get a good picture of the lungs. We won't know the results of the X-Ray until some time tomorrow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's with babies on the way, babies here on Earth and babies up in Heaven. This day is for you!!

Sunday holidays are like normal days in our house. Brandon goes to work earlier than normal, works harder than normal because everyone comes in to eat, and comes home later than normal. The kids and I slept on the couch last night so Brandon would be able to sleep without being awaken by one of the kids. At 5:30 he was rushing out the door, kissed me goodbye and said "Happy Mother's Day, go to sleep in the bed." I picked up Miles and went to our bed. I got to sleep in with both kids until 9. It was wonderful. We woke up had some waffles, did some cleaning, watched some cartoons, our normal Sunday. After lunch we ran to the store, came home made Smores Cookie Bars, took naps, played outside, went and saw my sister. Now we are headed out to my parents for dinner.

Brandon did text and say he was busy (Which is good) He doesn't think he will be home much before 8. A 14 hour day...I am so blessed he is my husband!!

Happy Mother's Day!!